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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Daily Blog Entry

Today’s post comes from Christopher Walker’s suggestion, "What would I rather be doing right now?" Well, it is currently a Saturday morning, and I do not have to work today. This means I have virtually the entire day to do whatever I please. Right now, I really want to go outside with my golden retriever, Trooper. His face always lights up when I go out and play with him! The weather feels just right today, which makes going outside with him even more enticing. I would also like to see my grandparents today; they always are a pleasure to talk to and go to Springfield with. I would rather be playing video games. I recently started a game called Assassin’s Creed, which has proven to be very addicting. I would rather read some of the books I have started this summer but have not picked up in quite some time. Medical Terminology for Dummies has only a few unread chapters remaining, while my new textbooks for the upcoming semester are begging to be started. I would rather be eating right now; I have been up for a few hours and have not ate breakfast yet. I always enjoy a bowl of frosted flakes and a banana. I would even rather be cleaning and organizing my room right now. This is not a task I enjoy doing, but it just simply needs to be done. I would rather text my friend, Justin, right now. He is currently editing a DVD for a family friend’s 70th birthday party. I think he would rather be doing something else as well! Finally, I would rather be swimming today. The weather for the past few days has been unnaturally cold for July, and today would be the perfect day to jump back in and do some laps across the pool!
Saturday, July 19

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