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Friday, July 11, 2014

Daily Blog Entry

 I found this great prompt from the daily blog generator. "If you could relive any moment in your life, what moment would you choose?  Write about it." One of my favorite moments was my first three days of college. This may seem much longer than a moment, but it went by so fast, I swear it felt like only ten minutes. Last August, my family and I traveled to Kirksville, MO, to move me into my dorm at Truman State University. I remember meeting my friendly roommate from St. Louis and spending hours unpacking and organizing everything just right. I said goodbye to my parents, and it was the longest time I have experienced without seeing them. I was in a new town, hundreds of miles away from home, and knew no one at all. It was quite a new experience. However, all of my anxiety quickly melted away as I met the other students on my floor. Little did I know that those students would immediately become my best friends. Those first few days were so different from what my friends and I experience today. We acted so shy around each other and were very insecure. I suppose we were too concerned with making a good impression. It is truly comical to contrast the difference between our current loud and joking personalities with how shy and introverted we acted back in August. I so wish that I could relive this moment; I wish that I could meet all of my friends again. I wish that I could specifically single out my best friends and become close with them even earlier. I see those first few days as a defining moment in my life. We had a wonderful time with icebreakers, trivia nights, movie nights, and tours of the campus. If only I realized just how special those three days were when I was actually experiencing them.
Friday, July 11

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