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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

This I Believe Personal Credo

As a Christian, I have a faith in my lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I also have faith that everyone, regardless of religious beliefs, has a very specific plan laid out for them. This core philosophical ideal has played a major part in my life. There are many different components of this credo. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Some events seem upsetting at first but then can later be seen as a blessing in disguise. Other things will always seem upsetting and even depressing forever but might be due to a larger plan that we cannot directly envision. I believe that everyone has unique skills and abilities. These talents are used in God’s master plan to benefit others. I believe that one ultimate goal humanity can strive to achieve is to work towards fighting illiteracy, poverty, and hunger across the globe and well as being a fighting force for equality. My credo may seem overly optimistic and idealistic; it may appear as false hope or a coping mechanism to others. However, it is still an ideology that I strongly support and has been the driving force in my life for the past few years. My credo statement can be best summarized as, “God has a plan.”

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