Today’s daily blog entry, like yesterdays, is an exercise to
help complete my credo. After reading the several “This I Believe” statements
on the class webpage, I decided that I most closely relate to “Be Cool to the
Pizza Dude”, by Sarah Adams. It is well written and well thought out but also
simple at the same time with a basic message: be nice and compassionate to
others. This point was especially made relevant to individuals such as pizza
delivery guys who will drive thorough almost anything to deliver you dinner. As
a server at a fast food restaurant, I know exactly the importance of being nice
to employees. I may disagree slightly with “Always go to the Funeral”, by
Deirdre Sullivan. While I do agree that it is important for most people to go
to the funeral, I believe that people who are close to the deceased should make
the situation based on how they are feeling. Even though they may regret not
going later, for some people skipping the funeral is a better way of grieving.
It is definitely okay to disagree, for it forms our identity and makes us more
of an individual. I also believe that creeds can be negative. This is because
defining a creed as negative or positive is relative to whom it concerns. For
example, the Emancipation Proclamation is generally thought of as a positive
creed, because it ended slavery in the United States. However, the creed was
seen as very negative by about half of the country. In essence, it helped
polarize the nation on the issue of slavery. While creeds can be seen as
positive or negative, I believe that they are necessary for human societies. They
are used to preserve continuity in organizations, and summarize what the goals
and values are of these institutions. For my credo, I will include my goals and
Monday, June 30
Monday, June 30
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